Holiday Bazaar

Above: Linda Rael, my tablemate, makes a sale.

Fiber Artists of San Antonio artisans turned out on Sunday for a sale at the San Antonio Garden Center. It was a great location, and though we had fewer customers than we would have hoped for, the people who came all seemed to be buying. Just for fun, here's some photos of the event. I plan to upload some of them to the new FASA website --- yes, another cyber project for El Cielo Studio. You'd think I wanted to do web design, given the amount of time I've spent lately doing so. Not my intention, but hey, it may prove a skill well worth having. Just don't expect me to write actual code.

IN ORDER: Lisa Kerpoe's scarves, Sandra E. Taylor's batik painting, Reneta Kuhn's kimono, Sarah Burke's bowl, plastic jewelry by new member Sara Katherine Boyd, bags from Sandy Edsell, scarves from Lori Burnett.