Round Up


A wide assortment of odds and ends have landed in my inbox the past couple of weeks -- worth sharing but without much of a common thread to tie the ends up neatly.

From Leslie Jennison:
"There is a great article in the Wall Street Journal weekend edition 
about the burgeoning quilt-making industry which features Caryl Bryer 
Fallert.  It is of interest because the article brings up the 
economic strength of the industry."

 From Martha Grant:
"I thought you'd like to see my finished altar from your workshop! I'm happy with the way it turned out. You can put it on your blog, if it'll fit. I'm benefitting from learning the assembly process for this, because it's factoring into my genealogy series for the New Braunfel's (Art League Gallery) show. (Which is taking on a life of its own.)"


Many of you have already seen this quilting video, sent to me by Diana Kellerman. The quilt world seems to be getting a great  deal of media attention right now!

 "If you missed the CBSNews program Sunday Morning  on March 16 we would like to share the 7 minute video with you here. The Sunday Morning  program highlighted the quilting industry and International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas with a spotlight on all time favorite quilter, Ricky Tims." (The annoying commercial at the start is pretty short.)

Since I've been working on my website, several people have sent me links to other artists who have their work on iweb created sites. Here's Alicia Merritt's, some incredibly beautiful work.

And, finally, although sans photos since once again I got too wrapped up to take any pictures, a short report from the weekend workshop. I really enjoyed the "words" part of the event, although I think we could have worked another hour -- hard to do though when you start after work! The eight women writers who attended were involved and inspiring in their work. Five of them came out to the studio on Saturday for the visual arts part of the workshop, learning techniques for adding words and images from the night before. Again, lack of time was the only challenge. If I try this one again, it probably needs at least another hour.