Time Flies


Watch this YouTube video by artist Eilrik Solheim and be reminded how quickly the year flies by. Awareness. (I'm tagging my posts this year, when relevant, with one or more of the three As of Awesome, as proposed by Neil Pasricha writer/blogger)

The back story of how this video was made is here on the artist's page: http://eirikso.com/2010/01/04/one-year-in-90-seconds/

There are also other videos of similar projects with different time frames, zooms, etc, as well as a version made from still images in 2008. This is an interesting example of taking a project from concept to form over an extended length of time. It takes commitment and a willingness to let the process happen over time. Wouldn't it be great to see the evolution of a piece of your fiber art with such a photographic technique!