I love maps, and have written about the Stamen group's wonderful maps before. Now I've discovered two fun applications -- one an app that makes your wallpaper an automatic map of wherever you open your Mac -- and you can choose either standard maps versions or those from Stamen! When you change locations, your map wallpaper changes with you.
Secondly, here are some great Vans, fabric markered with another Stamen map version -- the artist projected the map right on his shoes and copied it on first with pencil, then with the marker. Is that not a cool textile idea?
A world map in Watercolor from Stamen.
Another Stamen project -- Pretty Maps rendered as a mosaic tabletop!
These tiles are made available as part of the CityTracking project, funded by the Knight Foundation, in which Stamen is building web services and open source tools to display public data in easy-to-understand, highly visual ways.