Creativity for Kids and Families -- NFamily


A couple of months ago, a new glossy magazine appeared, and I wrote an article about The Missing Alphabet, The Parents' Guide to Developing Creative Thinking in Kids. Seems the editor liked it, and since then, I've written two more articles for the next issue and the one coming up.

Good writing practice for me, good pr for our book and good info for parents and kids.

​Although I mostly teach adults now, and usually in the realm of art, fiber art and creative process, my background and much of my work life was spent in arts-in-education work in schools, with teachers. That strand of my creative activity continues now with training young artists to work with young kids in afterschool and out-of-school programs and in working with teachers from Central America. ​This coming week though, I'll be working with both those teachers and with a group of 25 to 30  people from Central America, here in youth exchange, Youth Ambassadors program- stay tuned for for the photos.
